Crestron releases its new Core 3 OS controllers.

The PMC3 is a version of the MC3 that interfaces with all remotes, touch panels, dimmers, switches, and devices from the Prodigy line. The PMC3 improves on the previous PMC2 model with its new Core 3 OS, a built in infiNET EX gateway, an extra USB 2.0 port and a set of audio and video ports. The RS232 connections have also been improved, the PMC3 now uses standard DB-9 connectors instead of terminal block style connectors. While the PMC2 was limited to one controller per system, the PMC3 now has support for multiple controllers in a single system. Each PMC3 can handle a maximum of 18 user interfaces, 24 lighting zones, and 100 wireless devices. However, should a system ever become large enough to present a challenge to a single PMC3, additional controllers may be added to distribute the load. The PMC3 is available alone or as part of a PAK, which are kits that include a PMC3, a Prodigy handheld remote or touch panel, STIRP IR emitters, a USB cable, and a power supply.
The PMC3-XP is essentially the same controller as the PMC3, with however one major difference. While the PMC3 can only interface with Prodigy devices, the PMC3-XP provides a “seemless bridge” between Prodigy and the rest of Crestron’s line of products. This controller would be ideal for a someone who would like to start with a Prodigy system today, but would like to have the option to expand the system to include Crestron devices in the future. It is also an excellent solution for someone who owns an existing Prodigy system and would like to integrate Crestron devices into the system. It would only require upgrading from the existing Prodigy controller to a PMC3-XP.
Look for a review of these processors as soon as one becomes available.
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If you are interested in purchasing Crestron products: or 1-800-237-2041
Keith Pereira